Li-Fi LED & Terahertz


Video Outline:

Section 1: Introduction

  • The presentation explores semiconductor technologies, focusing on light-emitting diodes (LEDs), laser technologies, and their applications.

Section 2: LED Technology - Light Fidelity (Li-Fi)

  • Introduction to the latest LED technology: Light Fidelity (Li-Fi), used in visible light wireless communication.
  • Material science advancements: Gallium-nitride based semiconductors enable higher operating frequencies for Li-Fi.
  • Li-Fi Advantages: Compatibility with WiFi technology, energy efficiency, quality of service, and no interference with WiFi.
  • Li-Fi Limitations: Need for LEDs to remain on for data transmission, susceptibility to interference from sunlight.

Section 3: Terahertz Technology

  • Introduction to terahertz technology as a transformative scientific field.
  • Role of Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL) in terahertz research.
  • Advantages: Penetration through opaque materials, safety for organisms, utility in biomedicine, and specific frequency applications.
  • Application: Leeds team’s breakthrough in climate research using QCL in satellite programs.
  • Challenges: Limited availability of terahertz radiation sources, technical and cost barriers, difficulties in interaction with terahertz frequency range.

Section 4: Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) of LED and Terahertz Devices

  • TRL for LED: Assessed at level 8 due to its maturity, safety, longevity, and efficiency.
  • TRL for Terahertz Devices: Rated at level 5, considering the high cost, limited civilian use, and experimental stage in medical applications.
  • Discussion on challenges in advancing through TRL stages, particularly from levels 3 to 4 and 7 to 8.

Section 5: Conclusion

  • Summary of topics covered: Li-Fi technology, terahertz technology, and their respective TRLs.

Here’s our recording!

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